Luke 4:16
Jesus returns to His hometown of Nazareth. Jesus attends the local synagogue, He is handed the scroll of Isaiah to read to the congregation. Jesus chooses to read from Isaiah, which prophecies about the Messiah.
Luke 4:18
The presence of the Holy Spirit and God anointing Jesus (Acts 10:38) is significant. The Holy Spirit would be greatly and mightily involved in our lives, and will also have the power to enable us to do the will of God.
Jesus ministers to the poor, brokenhearted, captives, the blind, the oppressed, and others that need redemption.
Luke 4:19
To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord; the favor of God (NIV).
Levitus 25
Every 50 years the Jews would be released from slavery, debts are cancelled, their lands would be returned to them - it is a time of Jubilee.
And, Jesus would do this and more for us, and not just once every 50 years, but for eternity.
Proclaim: to announce everywhere on earth among men, in heaven among God's angels, and in hell among the devil and demons and especially for the children of God to be aware of God's favor.
Luke 4:21
Still being fulfilled to us, as we hear the Word of God